


Obesity presents a multifaceted challenge in women’s health, significantly impacted by life stages such as pregnancy and menopause, which bring unique hormonal changes and increase the risk of related conditions like Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM). This challenge calls for innovative minds to:

  • Address Specific Needs: Design innovative management and prevention strategies that address obesity in women, particularly focusing on those dealing with GDM and the hormonal changes of menopause.
  • Prevent Long-term Risks: Develop impactful solutions that not only manage but also prevent the escalation from GDM to Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) and address the multifaceted nature of post-menopausal obesity.
  • Empower Through Personalisation: Engineer personalised, intuitive support systems and educational tools that empower women to take control of their health during these vulnerable and pivotal life stages.

Join us to make a lasting difference in women’s health. Your ideas have the power to reshape how obesity is understood and managed in women’s healthcare. Are you ready to contribute to a healthier future for women at different stages of their lives? Sign up and be a part of this groundbreaking endeavour!

Neurodivergent girls, particularly those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), often face overlooked symptoms and diagnostic gender biases, leaving them without the support they need. This challenge seeks to address these disparities by inviting innovators like you to:

  • Unveiling the Invisible: Research is underway to better identify and diagnose ASD and ADHD in girls, who often remain under the radar due to nuanced symptoms or masking behaviours. We’re asking you to develop innovative tools or methodologies to gather and/or generate data on clinical presentations of ASD and ADHD in young women.
  • Challenging Biases: Contribute to erasing gender biases in diagnosis and support, paving the way for early and effective interventions.
  • Holistic Support: Envision comprehensive solutions that aid in managing conditions like ASD and ADHD in young women, addressing co-occurring challenges such as anxiety and depression.

This is a call to action to make a lasting difference in the lives of countless girls. Are you ready to innovate for change? Sign up now and be the voice that shapes their future!

Despite Sweden’s advanced healthcare system, pregnant and postpartum women often face fragmented care and language barriers, leading to uncertainty and unequal access to support. We’re inviting you to change this narrative through innovation:

  • Bridge Care Gaps: Develop solutions that offer continuous and accessible support, from pregnancy through to postpartum recovery, addressing the fragmentation in the Swedish healthcare system.
  • Break Language and Cultural Barriers: Innovate to overcome language and cultural barriers in pregnant women, ensuring equal access to quality care and information.
  • Replicate Doula Support: Conceptualise ways to extend the personalised care and support provided by doulas to every pregnant woman, improving both experience and outcomes.

This is a chance to make a lasting impact on maternal healthcare. Your innovations could redefine care experiences and outcomes for mothers across the world. Sign up now and help shape a better future for mothers in Sweden!

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is not just a personal issue but a major public health challenge. Despite advancements, healthcare systems often fall short in identifying, supporting, and protecting IPV victims. We believe advancements in the following areas will enable us to better support and equip IPV survivors to live lives no longer characterized by violence:

  • Break New Ground: Develop groundbreaking digital tools or novel protocols that aid healthcare professionals in recognising and responding effectively to IPV.
  • Enhance Support Systems: Conceive ideas that enhance synergy and coordination between healthcare services and support networks, ensuring comprehensive care for survivors.
  • Change Lives: Your innovation could be the key to transforming healthcare strategies worldwide, offering new hope and protection to those facing IPV.

Your idea could lead to crucial advancements in healthcare’s role against IPV. Are you ready to make a meaningful difference? Sign up now and be a part of this transformative journey!

Embark on a journey to address gender health disparities with your unique ideas. Whether it’s a fresh healthcare approach, a technological breakthrough, or a transformative research initiative, your vision can be pivotal in bridging the gender health gap. Your creativity and insight are key to tackling the unique health challenges across genders. Together, let’s build a more equitable and healthier future.

Join the Femtech Innovation Hackathon & Help Us Close the Gender Health Gap
